Photo Collages


Ms. Warren


You are about to enter a whimsical world built upon paradox and word play that filters vintage imagery through a modern lens. Take a few moments to look past the obvious puns and you may fall into a delightfully contemplative landscape, full of visual adventures, hopeful possibilities and cheeky surprises. Enjoy!

Depending on your perspective, this image can be either fascinating or creepy. The visual grab is an object made from two shapes, both existing in the real world, that have been forced together. But the subtle level is more philosophical. There are two common schools of thought in the West surrounding our human origin. The church believes we have always been a reflection of our current human form, whereas science points toward our evolution from the sea. I thought it would be interesting to combine these two conflicting theories onto one platform: the religious “body” and the aquatic-centered theory of evolution.

Bird In Hand
I always wanted to make a sculpture that had a spirit. In this case, the body is contained, but the spirit is free. I like that it takes light to illuminate the shadow of the sculpture. Usually, a shadow is thought of as a darker self. In this case, the shadow is freeing itself from the source.

Forest Floor
I have walked on countless leaves without ever noticing their deep beauty. In this sculpture, I aimed to bring the magnificence of the forest floor up to eye level.

Depending on your perspective, this image can be either fascinating or creepy. The visual grab is an object made from two shapes, both existing in the real world, that have been forced together. But the subtle level is more philosophical. There are two common schools of thought in the West surrounding our human origin. The church believes we have always been a reflection of our current human form, whereas science points toward our evolution from the sea. I thought it would be interesting to combine these two conflicting theories onto one platform: the religious “body” and the aquatic-centered theory of evolution.

Bird In Hand
I always wanted to make a sculpture that had a spirit. In this case, the body is contained, but the spirit is free. I like that it takes light to illuminate the shadow of the sculpture. Usually, a shadow is thought of as a darker self. In this case, the shadow is freeing itself from the source.

Forest Floor
I have walked on countless leaves without ever noticing their deep beauty. In this sculpture, I aimed to bring the magnificence of the forest floor up to eye level.
Depending on your perspective, this image can be either fascinating or creepy. The visual grab is an object made from two shapes, both existing in the real world, that have been forced together. But the subtle level is more philosophical. There are two common schools of thought in the West surrounding our human origin. The church believes we have always been a reflection of our current human form, whereas science points toward our evolution from the sea. I thought it would be interesting to combine these two conflicting theories onto one platform: the religious “body” and the aquatic-centered theory of evolution.
Bird In Hand
I always wanted to make a sculpture that had a spirit. In this case, the body is contained, but the spirit is free. I like that it takes light to illuminate the shadow of the sculpture. Usually, a shadow is thought of as a darker self. In this case, the shadow is freeing itself from the source.

"Michael's art is a very unique point of view that usually makes me say to myself. I never really thought about it that way. His art produces an observation that is worth considering. His work is sometimes profound, sometimes ironic, sometimes comedic but always interesting. He is driven to master the tools and techniques of his art - like a dedicated musician that is always practicing his instrument. He uses his acquired skill sets to produce one of a kind sculptures - some are little jazz riffs and some are very fine symphonies but they are always thought provoking."
Mark Hoefling
Principal at Richard Mark Fine Art

"Michael's work has the rare quality of being extremely playful and immensely serious at the same time. One sees the playful irony of life and the other sees how ironic it is to not participate in life the way Michael does."
William Krypel
Fine Art Instructor at Leyden High Schools District 212

"Michael's work has the rare quality of being extremely playful and immensely serious at the same time. One sees the playful irony of life and the other sees how ironic it is to not participate in life the way Michael does."
Jimmy MacMillan
Co-Owner at JMPurePastry

"Michael's art is a very unique point of view that usually makes me say to myself. I never really thought about it that way. His art produces an observation that is worth considering. His work is sometimes profound, sometimes ironic, sometimes comedic but always interesting. He is driven to master the tools and techniques of his art - like a dedicated musician that is always practicing his instrument. He uses his acquired skill sets to produce one of a kind sculptures - some are little jazz riffs and some are very fine symphonies but they are always thought provoking."
Mark Hoefling
Principal at Richard Mark Fine Art

"Unlike those artists who delight in taking us through a tour of their tormented existence, Michael tells stories that are uplifting and lighthearted. I couldn't expect anything else from an artist whose last name is Joy."
Roberto Seif
Brand Marketing Manager

"Michael's imaging and technical expertise conveys a wealth of inter-personal, idiosyncratic and expository expressions that tantalize and inform. I've watched him blossom as an artist, as well as an entrepreneur. In both areas, he has been a success in finding and developing his talent with initial and lasting enthusiasm and energy."
Chris Newman
Sculptor & Facilities Planner at Chris Newman Sculpture

"Our group has had the pleasure to work with Michael frequently over the past seven years. His artwork is thought-provoking and technically immaculate. Michael's insight regarding material use has resulted in the flawless execution of many unique works."
Jimmy MacMillan
Co-Owner at JMPurePastry

"Michael's work has the rare quality of being extremely playful and immensely serious at the same time. One sees the playful irony of life and the other sees how ironic it is to not participate in life the way Michael does."
William Krypel
Fine Art Instructor at Leyden High Schools District 212

"Joy delivers poignant expressions of resolve, intrigue, instigating wonder. Not only of what's next, rather what puzzle lies within each work of his art. Gathered into folds of beauty only to be awed by the message. Enjoy!"
Yosef Pollack
Owner at Acupuncture Points

"Michael's work, while whimsical, also makes a wonderful statement about the way we view the things in our world. The inevitable initial smile always seems to give way to contemplation about the possibilities of a deeper meaning. It's just fabulous stuff!"
David Snow
Telecom Utility Expert, Retired Military

Hon. Richard E. Neville
Mediator and Arbitrator
"When Michael and I met twenty years ago, I soon realized his intense commitment to his craft and we ultimately ended up working on many projects together. With my career being deeply rooted in law, I especially enjoyed each moment I had in the art studio with Michael as it was a time for me to be exposed to various skills and philosophies in creating art. Eventually, we set up a small studio on the south side of Chicago where he taught me the discipline required to develop strong creative concepts, how to handle new mediums all while giving the balanced attention to structure and color for creating a sculpture. He helped me understand the difference between being a dilettante and the commitment to a life devoted to creating thought provoking artwork. Michael has the ability to see what I am trying to express while struggling to find it for myself and has focused me on the life quest of never discounting a new concept or new idea without giving it a chance to enter my subconscious before I decide if I like it or understand it."

"His fish imagery is marvelous."
Julian Paul Fox Possum
Office Cat

"I sit on his work all the time."
Edie Stitch Cooley-Moo_Mahmoosil
Office Cat

"I live with Michael's Evolution and I love it. Every time I look at it, I begin to think about different meanings from fun to serious."
Hon. Karen G. Shields (Ret.)
Mediator & Arbitrator